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Bridging the gap

At Natcho, we strive to achieve equality and a more inclusive environment, so we have investigated ways to move forward. Here, we discover what is being done and what more needs to be done to fix the gap.

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Mind the gap

Action Aid reports it will take 257 years to close the gender pay gap and in the United Kingdom, the gap stands at 15.5%. Worse still, if you’re a female in the creative industry, research tells us your gap is even wider.

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Natcho's top tips for standout socials

With most brands having a social media presence in some way or another, and with there being over 3.8 billion social media users worldwide according to Smart Insights, the noise on social media platforms can be pretty loud and the fight to stand out is real.

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Marketing during Covid-19

The past few months have been unsettling for both large and small companies. Employees have had to readjust to working from home, people have been furloughed or lost their jobs, and there is the possibility of a catastrophic result for many businesses.

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9 creative things to do in isolation

As we continue to stay at home to protect not only ourselves but our loved ones and the NHS, being restricted to the walls of our home and to only one outing per day to buy food or for daily exercise is undoubtedly starting to take its toll.

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All About Natcho

Welcome to Natcho, the production company that offers a variety of promotional content for brands and that puts professional creatives at the heart of what they do.

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